Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sunday afternoon..........

Eagle Lake, September 9, 2007.

The Orange Lichen is pretty cool. Its all over these rocks along the bike trail just past the Gallatin Marina.

These baby fish were EVERYWHERE near the marina. They stayed close to the rock wall jetty. The Western Grebes were close by too. Easy eating for them.

Heading in the for the day.

A little smoky, but a great way to enjoy the day.
Eagle Lake near the marina.

Sunday was a beautiful day to be on the water. There was little wind around lunch time, but the fishermen had already been out and back in by this time.

The chipmunks at Eagle Lake are known for not having fear of humans. This little guy followed us around for a bit.

Smoke from the Moonlight Fire over the top of Diamond Mountain. This was seen from Eagle Lake Road.

This past Sunday, the kids and I spent the day with my mom. We spent the day at Eagle Lake, Chester, and Clear Creek. I will post some photos today, and the rest later this week. We had a great time.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

ok miss professional - i hada thought maybe you should teach a class on how to take pics you rock!!!